They say that people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Well, this is very much true, but there is also a host of other things people in glass houses shouldn’t do, as there will be many people who will be able to see them. Therefore, for many, the allure of having a glass home is balanced out by the fact that privacy may well be lost.
Glass houses have many great benefits and not only will their interiors receive far more sunlight than normal houses, keeping them warmer and more inviting, but they will also look far more impressive than a brick home and at the same time offer a chance for individuals to get that little bit closer to nature.
Being close to nature allows people to feel more relaxed, and also helps energise individuals at the same time. The boost to one’s mood can often be great and a glass home will, in many ways, provide people with a very unique pastime as they wile away the hours watching the landscape or animals that are quite literally on their doorstep.
This may sound appealing, but what of the lack of privacy? Well, whilst this might have once been a problem, electric glass has made glass houses a very different proposition. This form of glass is not going to be dangerous and will not electrocute anyone, but instead involves running a current through panes, which will turn glass from transparent to opaque at the touch of a button.
So, today, with this electric privacy glass, one can get back to nature and get all those many other benefits of a glass house, and not have to worry about privacy or indeed any proverbial stones.